People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise. 人们总希望朋友间互相帮助,憎恶背信弃义。
Difficulties with children will surface if you try to break a promise you made. 若不履行对孩子的诺言,你与他们的矛盾将浮出水面。
I would never break a promise that I'd made to a friend. 我绝不对我的朋友失信。
To break or disregard ( a law or promise, for example). 违犯违反或藐视(如法律,诺言等)
It's wrong to break a promise? 不守诺言是错的吗?
Heartbreak for England just before the break, it was a bitter blow after so much promise in the early stages. 英格兰队在即将中场休息时遭遇意外,这对他们前段时间出现的那么多的希望是一个沉重的打击。
Don't break a promise even for one time, or people will not trust you again. 不要失信于人,哪怕只有一次,否则将没有人再相信你。
Didn't his decision to break a promise and raise taxes lose the Republicans the White House in1992? 他决定打破竞选承诺而加税不正是共和党在1992年被踢出白宫的原因吗?
He is not one to break a promise. 他不是出尔反尔的人。
Break an agreement, a contract, a promise, one's word, etc 违反协议、合同、诺言、自己说的话等